Friday, January 25, 2013

Giraffes.. Come here!

One of the best parts about staying at my parents house other than just enjoying our time together was taking  the five weeks to explore.  On an abnormally warm December day, my Dad and I took the kids to the Philadelphia Zoo.  If you happen to be a stay at home mom or could spare a  random vacation day, I highly recommend spontaneously going to the zoo on a warmer than usual day.

So many of the animals were out and moving about.  We even saw the sloth climb a tree and if you know anything about sloths, they basically don't move.  We didn't have to wait in any lines or peak between others in order to get a good view.  Hands down- the best zoo trip I have ever been on!!!

The whole car ride and the day leading up to our zoo adventure Charlie kept saying he wanted to see the Gorilla.  He has had a long standing love for the idea of gorillas, but close encounters prove he is terrified of these amazing creatures.

I basically had to hold him there for the last picture.  Amazing how scared he was of the gorilla yet not of the lions.  I think he would have pet them if he was allowed.

Jocelyn was such a trooper.  She happily strolled throughout the zoo.  I can't wait for the day when she will enjoy seeing the animals too!
Sidenote- There will probably be lots of pictures in this hat.   It was a gift  from my Aunt Mary .  I absolutely love that it covers her little ears and it is adorable!

For Charlie, the highlight of the entire zoo trip was seeing the giraffes.  Hence the title of this post.  I think we may have sat in front of the giraffes for half an hour as Charlie continued to yell "Come here"

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