Happy One Month Birthday!
Weight: 10 lbs. 7 oz. (76th percentile- little love has put on 3 pounds!)
Length: 21.5 inches (60th percentile)
Head: 14.5 inches (73rd percentile
Jocelyn has met so many people this month:
Her grandparents
Both Great Grandmas
Tia Jill and Uncle Mike
Godmother Becky
Tia Kendra and Uncle John
Gary and Donna
The Le family
Wendy and Trey
Jocelyn has also traveled many places:
Grammie and Grandpa's
Kid Shellen's
Catherine Rooney's
Banard Orchards
Dr. Karcsh's office
Dear Jocelyn,
I can't believe it has been a month already. Have you noticed all those kisses when you are sleeping or awake. They are from Daddy, Charlie, and I. It's because we all love you so much! I try to tell Charlie not to kiss you when you are sleeping but sometimes he can't resist kissing your little toes. Isn't it great to have a big brother who will watch over you. I've noticed that you love to hear me singing. Lucky for me you don't know what a good voice sounds like. And I've noticed that if you could pick any place to sleep it would be laying on Daddy's chest as he watches sports. This is Daddy's favorite time with you too! We are all so excited to watch you grow.
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