Life has been so busy in the most fabulous way for the past month and half. The rush of Christmas has my head spinning and I love it. Additionally, the mom's group has been in full swing and we have had the pleasure of meeting many great moms and kids, as well as some dads too! On Saturday we celebrated Tiny Tots and Toddlers with a Twist's first annual Christmas party.
After exploring various options, I offered to host the party at our house so we wouldn't have to pay money to rent a space. In the end, I was happy to have the party at our house because I feel like everything is more relaxed when a party is at a house. And if you didn't know this about me, I love being a host! Quite a different party then those annual St. Patrick's Day parties Kirby and I used to throw back in the day but equally as fun. My how life has changed!!
Jocelyn's favorite part was stealing food left behind on people's plates and running away when I saw her. Thank God she doesn't have allergies! (I know I am very lucky because of this) Poor thing paid for it later though when she couldn't sleep during naptime. I know her tummy was hurting!! |
This picture just cracks me up! |
Super mom- Her oldest just recently turned 3 so for three months she had 3 under three! |
Thankfully this amazing groups of moms made planning and getting ready for the party easy. Each of them brought food and drinks to share.
How cute are the reindeer cookies and the Santa fruit kabobs! |
And I have to give a special Thank you to Alyson. She has helped me start this group and she took over crafts for the party, as well as adorable party favors.
My biggest Thank You of all goes to Kirby though for helping me rearrange furniture, graciously hosting, and for being Santa at the party. One of the mom's in the group, Kerry, has a Santa costume and her husband dressed up for a meetup at their house. She was kind enough to let us borrow the costume for the party and it was quite a hoot. It's amazing how some kids embrace Santa without hesitation like this little peanut...
And others like my own are terrified...
Thanks for snapping this picture Alyson! If only they knew it was their Dad! |
In addition to letting our kids indulge in treats, we played some reindeer games like Pin the Nose on Rudolph and Candy Cane toss into the Gingerbread Man,
On second thought- I don't know if Rudolph got any action during the party. Better hold on to him for next year. |
The part Charlie enjoyed the most was breaking open the Pinata. I had a feeling the kids were already going to be sugared up with the bounty of delicious treats we had so I decided to fill the pinata with little toys. Target has an abundance of Christmas party favors like finger puppets, pencils, bouncy balls, stamps, yo-yos, and so on that were all in holiday theme. The only thing I didn't account for was the some of the toys would break during the pinata smashing. OOPS!!!
Special thanks to Gary (one of the Dads) for holding the pinata up. We had to do it a little redneck style because there wasn't a great place to hang it at our house. |
He was cute while he lasted and totally worth it! |
It was a perfect morning! On this note, I have to say that everything in life happens for a reason. While I was bummed to get the boot from the one mom's group the door that opened by starting this group is proving to be a great one for both the kids and I, and really our family as whole. Charlie now has a group of buddies that he loves telling Kirby stories about and looks forward to hanging out with. And I can picture Jocelyn running around on the playground with some of the little girls soon enough. Makes my heart happy! I can honestly say that I too am forming friendship (something I very much needed) with some of the moms in the group. It makes Vegas feel a little more like home...
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